Alan had last week off and he and Emily had some nice afternoons out and I got some jobs done that have been put off and then put off again.

This hides behind the sofa in the living room.Out of sight out of mind ;-)
Thursday Alan got on with the mountain of jobs we had to in the garden that were too physical for me to tackle.This rockery area is at the top of the side garden.

I didn't manage to get a before picture but it was a real mess, a couple of years ago I had bought some Euphorbia which is a gorgeous plant with tall light green "flowers" in the spring the unfortunate thing is that it spreads a lot and it had quickly overrun the rockery and all the other plants in it:-( Quite a job to clear it but we have plans for the area inspired by the lovely Grit more on that later.
While Al was tackling the rockery and other bit's and bob's Emily and I had a lovely day out with my Sister and Nephew at Muncaster castle it was the annual Festival of fools and the sun shone and the fools entertained us for hours.The winner AJ was superb,he was extremely funny and had me crying with laughter.We were there later in the afternoon than we usually are and got to see the Herons been fed for the first time.The front of the Castle has a fabulous view overlooking the estuary and you can see for miles.At 4.30 every day 18 Herons swoop down for food,quite a sight.I was sitting on the benches earlier in the afternoon watching them fly around, they really are elegant birds to watch.
It was Alan's birthday on the Saturday and we had planned a trip to Dalton in Furness to the Zoo It was a horrible 2 hour journey along a twisty road on a hot and sunny morning, Emily and I felt sick and were glad when we finally arrived.The zoo was good but Emily said she preferred the small animal park near us,mainly I think because of the horrid journey. At one point the day deteriorated and she informed me I was the worst mother in the world and that she was never going to speak to me again.It seems I could of handled that incident better!!!Milly is quick to the boil but after simmering for a time she apologised and we had a big hug and ended the day well.Hormonal females at each end of the spectrum is proving to be interesting :-)
Couldn't resist taking this picture of three sleeping lemur's if you click on you will see the one on the bottom of the picture has been gagged :-))

Since then things have been fairly quiet the rest of this week,it has taken me a while to get back to full strength so we have not ventured far. Lot's of gardening for me and lot's of story tapes for Emily.She has started on the Alex rider series and is now in spy mode ;-)
Perhaps he was snoring. Gagging is an option that has occured to me on many a night.
Hee hee hee :-))
what a great photo! we have horrible days too when i compete for worst mother in the world title. once it occured after i asked 'do you want some apple juice?' have ((hugs)).
The Festival of Fools at Muncaster Castle sounds look a really good day out. Love the photo of the Lemurs .... :0)
I agree! It is so hard to blog when the weather is nice! I've been so bad about that - but the last few days it's been super hot (90's) so I've not wanted to be in the heat so much and have been doing more internet stuff.
Oh and those Lemurs are too funny!
Ha! I love that lemur picture!!qgfwnc
Oh, uh, disregard the "qfwn" there. It's not an abbreviation of any kind. I just forgot to hit tab before typing in the word verification code. Sorry! :)
always helps to know others out there are getting the same treatment ;-) did I miss something and do the teenage strops start much earlier now a days????xx
It really is worth a visit if your ever in the area at the right time of year.xx
hello how lovely to "see" you again.Wow temps in the 90's I can only dream of that;-))However I would need to be on a sunbed with a cold beer and a good book not toiling away in the garden....xx
I really did think there was yet another internet speak thingy that I didn't understand!!!! It took me ages to find out about ;-) and :-) and I thought you had given me another to suss out :-))xx
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