"Although I speak from my own experience, I feel that no one has the right to impose his or her beliefs on another person. I will not propose to you that my way is best. The decision is up to you. If you find some point which may be suitable for you, then you can carry out experiments for yourself. If you find that it is off no use, then you can discard it." Dalai Lama...

Thursday 6 October 2011


Had a less than perfect day today....
A migraine headache has been keeping me company all day and it's presence has drained me. This left me feeling tense and agitated and unable to deal with situations that arose in a way I would have liked to...
Having taken what seemed an age to get to sleep last night I was woken - shortly after sinking into oblivion - by Milly. A spider was crawling on her ceiling - a situation that causes great panic - and she needed help to move it. I knew the headache was starting when I got back into bed and should have got back up to get a tablet - it might have been enough to keep it at bay. I was just tooo tired and decided instead to stay in bed and try to get back to sleep. Obviously the brewing headache ensured that sleep was not easy to come by. I kept trying though - reluctant to get out of the warm bed - sure I would fall asleep imminently. I eventually dozed off , had a very unsettled night and woke far too early, unable to return to sleep.
Milly and I have been rubbing each other up the wrong way over the last week or so. Faults on both sides ( hormones raging in both cases!) and a lack of communication has led to some heated moments. Nothing extreme - it has just been difficult to find a way to put emotions to one side to find a way through.  
 Today it all came to a head.... 
Conversations have been had, frustrations have been voiced and a way forward has being found.
Anonymous Quote.
Milly added the last words on the post....
Love U Momma from Milly

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