"Although I speak from my own experience, I feel that no one has the right to impose his or her beliefs on another person. I will not propose to you that my way is best. The decision is up to you. If you find some point which may be suitable for you, then you can carry out experiments for yourself. If you find that it is off no use, then you can discard it." Dalai Lama...

Saturday 16 June 2012

Instagram, friends on holiday and sleepover slip up....

I have been playing with Instagram and really enjoy creating different images. The one above was taken at Maryport Harbour where we had been sitting eating fish and chips with Liz, her Mum, and the kids who were on holiday here. Milly was acting coy and I love her pose. Unfortunately it is not as clear as the original and is not showing at it's best on here :-) 

These pictures are of the girls at a play park on the way to meet with Liz at a Butterfly farm to spend some time together before they went off with Milly to spend a night with them in the caravan.

The weather has been fine for most of the week and the girls have had three sleepovers at ours and one at the caravan so they have seen a lot of each other. Paddling in the sea, lots of bouncing on the trampoline, and lots of walking in the fresh air add up to a very pleasant, busy, but tiring week. 

The last sleepover last night was suggested by me.. I knew the girls would love to spend the night together and really wanted to provide that for them. The two nights they had spent here on Mon/Tues had gone well and giddiness wasn't overwhelming ;-)) However after 5 full on days together, late nights for them and me and an afternoon of swimming for us all, it proved to be a step too far :-( 

 Extreme fatigue and consequentially low tolerance to noise ( me) extremely giddy and noisy ( them )  temper ( me and Milly )  irrational threats ( me ) and tears ( Milly ) brought on due to exhaustion and anger at me - aided by a less than sympathetic response from Alan - meant a rather messy end to what had been a lovely week.

There has been a calm de - brief over fish and chips tonight and we have all accepted our part in the debacle and discussed ways it could have been handled better :-)  

A couple of relaxing days on the Agenda this weekend to recoup :-)) 

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