"Although I speak from my own experience, I feel that no one has the right to impose his or her beliefs on another person. I will not propose to you that my way is best. The decision is up to you. If you find some point which may be suitable for you, then you can carry out experiments for yourself. If you find that it is off no use, then you can discard it." Dalai Lama...

Saturday 2 June 2012

Side garden, solo driving and Snow white..

Side garden landscaping today...
I spent a lot of time holding the whirly gig ( rotary washing line ) in various positions to see where 
A... It would look best and not block the view.
B ... I could hang washing on it without it blowing into nearby bushes or trees
C....Alan was able to hammer the peg in around the many tree roots and large stones in the ground. 

After a lot of me dancing around with the line to find a spot and Alan then holding it so I could see what it looked like and two failed attempts to sink the metal stake to hold it in... We found the spot :-)

I then flitted between making baked potatoes for breakfast for Milly . hanging washing ( indoors as the position the line was in required some pruning to ensure the clothes weren't going to hit the shrubs ) juicing and the garden, laying out the plans for Alan to implement.. We work as a team I design and he does, it has served us well for over 30 years now :-) ,

Midday and it was time to get ready to head out in Persephone - solo again!
I was going to see Rezwana for a massage.

I left Milly drawing and Alan gardening. Milly was killing time before going to Amy's house for a couple of hours to help her with baking her cakes for sale..

I had a fairly uneventful drive ( phew ) and a fabulously relaxing massage. 

Back home and Alan had managed to do a great deal in the garden and he had also managed to fit the replacement trampoline cover on. I got an early tea ready for Milly. The girls had done the baking and then the two of them had gone along to the park and she came home dead on time to have her tea and then get ready to go out.

We all went to see Snow White and the huntsman as part of Alan's birthday celebrations. Fab film. Mixed opinions on Kirsten Stewart's performance but over all we all enjoyed it :-)

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