"Although I speak from my own experience, I feel that no one has the right to impose his or her beliefs on another person. I will not propose to you that my way is best. The decision is up to you. If you find some point which may be suitable for you, then you can carry out experiments for yourself. If you find that it is off no use, then you can discard it." Dalai Lama...

Tuesday 1 January 2008

New years Day , Busy Busy Busy.

After a very late night I woke at 9.00 and couldn't get back to sleep with Emily and Alan snoring on either side of me!!! I got up and had a cup of tea whilst I read through some blogs and websites.
It was very peaceful and a great start to the new year.I got a few calls from Family and caught up with what they had been up to and around 10.45 decided to take a cup of tea up to Milly and Al as I was sure the calls must have woke them and they would be reading but they were still fast asleep. Eventually at 11.15 Emily came down and after discussing options for the day decided to have a day at home and after breakfast we all set about putting together the gingerbread house Emily had been given as a gift and we had great fun.

Milly had been going through her chemistry set and decided the goggles would be good to use so her and Dad would be safe in the kitchen...

I am modelling my gorgeous flowery apron I received from Emily

After testing the sweets out and a joint tidy up of the snowstorm that had hit the kitchen we decided to do some experiments. Milly had been desperate to get into the set but today was the first day we had the time to do it.
Her best friend had also got one and as she had a book to record her experiments in Milly set about making herself one and as we did the experiments on solutions she recorded the info in her own inimitable way asking for help spelling as needed. I did make the mistake at one point of suggesting we record certain information but pulled back just in time before the moment was lost and she took offence at my interruptions( she knew exactly what she wanted the book to look like and did not need my input!! old habits die hard..)

Are you sure that salt has dissolved Mum? Compulsory goggle wearing to deal with dangerous chemicals, rubber gloves were on hand should we need them.

Oil water and syrup with some food colouring added shake and observe!!
I love how focused children can be on a simple experiment when it involves test tubes and spatulas etc.It adds a whole new dimension to the kitchen science we have done in the past.

Alongside the cooking and science today we finished off a project started yesterday. Emily and I had a great game with Dr Who figures but wanted Rose as her set has Martha so we set about making one from Paper covered in tissue and glue then coloured tissue for her jeans and top,Emily had to do lots of Internet searching to get just the right picture of rose in the outfit Emily wanted her to be in.Here is the product just waiting for hair and features. I am sure she will enjoy going on many a journey with the Dr.....

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