"Although I speak from my own experience, I feel that no one has the right to impose his or her beliefs on another person. I will not propose to you that my way is best. The decision is up to you. If you find some point which may be suitable for you, then you can carry out experiments for yourself. If you find that it is off no use, then you can discard it." Dalai Lama...

Monday 31 March 2008

Another link to help me put everything into perspective.

Just found this link on Warts and all, I have read a lot on the joyfully rejoicing site I had forgotten this .So appropriate based on the struggle I have been having recently.....

This part,

My insatiable hunger for knowledge about Jacob’s challenges was replaced with the ultimate reinforcement that our present unschooling life was most definitely the right path for us. It was time to put the research down and continue with life…with unschooling, as unschooling IS life. And yet we now had a new understanding, compassion and empathy for those gifts that make Jacob so wonderfully unique.

helped me to see that my need for answers is not wrong, I am not trying to label her, to make excuses for her, I am trying to get answers to understand her better.

Edited to add this
Just another article to help .

1 comment:

Grit said...

i frequently wonder why we are doing what we are doing and whether we should continue. some days (like today) we seem to achieve nothing at all and then go backwards ...and then there is free childcare down the road and i have to torture myself all over again with the reason why we don't use it...

ps i have left a flat stanley comment down below x