"Although I speak from my own experience, I feel that no one has the right to impose his or her beliefs on another person. I will not propose to you that my way is best. The decision is up to you. If you find some point which may be suitable for you, then you can carry out experiments for yourself. If you find that it is off no use, then you can discard it." Dalai Lama...

Wednesday 12 March 2008

How ironic .....

You Are Flip Flops

You are laid back and very friendly.

Cheery and sunny in disposition, you usually have something to smile about.

Style is important to you, as long as you can stay casual.

It takes a lot to get you to dress up!

You are a loyal and true person, though you can be a bit of a flake.

You tend to "play hooky" and blow off responsibilities a lot more than most people.

You should live: By the beach

You should work: At a casual up and coming company

Had to smile at this.Sunny disposition after yesterday LOL.

However I would say that it is generally true and my sunnier side is coming back ;-)
Might need a good nights sleep and a day without a whirling dervish (Emily's ears are badly blocked and she is so tired she is hyper and can't sit still, she is knocking into things and bouncing off anything in site and is loud and squealing a lot, I am sympathetic and understand her balance is off but it gets a little wearing after a while.
Alan is putting her to bed at present and hopefully she will have a lie in tomorrow as she has been waking at six and not being able to go back to sleep due to coughing.My morning routine has been disrupted and I am hoping it dosen't become a regular thing and she gets back to her normal waking time soon. Quiet morning blog reading sets me up for the day.....


Michelle said...

I liked this and the drink one :-)

rupestur said...

I can very much identify with this post and your post from yesterday! Keep these updates coming, they're very inspiring and REAL.

And thank you for the blog award :D I shall graciously accept it on my blog when I get a chance.