"Although I speak from my own experience, I feel that no one has the right to impose his or her beliefs on another person. I will not propose to you that my way is best. The decision is up to you. If you find some point which may be suitable for you, then you can carry out experiments for yourself. If you find that it is off no use, then you can discard it." Dalai Lama...

Monday 31 March 2008

Earache,drawing dogs and Mohicans,quite a mixed day....

Emily did indeed come down with something, she spent last night with a severe earache and headache,she is so congested and I think her sinuses are blocked.She went to bed at 7.30 but only slept fitfully for an hour then woke and was very unhappy and in pain,she came down with Al again at 9pm but only lasted a short while then I took her back up.It was so difficult for her to get to sleep as she couldn't breathe well, and she was still awake at 11 when Al came up, she then proceeded to have both of us laughing out loud as she chatted ten to the dozen about a variety of things. It was nearly 12 before she was finally able to settle and we all managed to get to sleep.

She woke relatively early and wouldn't go back to sleep so we got up and she watched TV and I plodded around doing bit's and browsing online.It was hard to get motivated but eventually we started off looking through a file of her drawings she had put together ages ago and she decided to sort them out and redo it so we managed to sort out the masses of pictures we have pegged up over the doorway from the kitchen.It was interesting to see how her drawings had moved on .Milly then pottered, playing,went outside on her swing, listened to a story CD etc while I did a few jobs interspersed with playing on the PC,I was really lazy today.

She then requested that we draw our ideal dog and we drew and chatted for quite some time about a variety of subjects, including making up a story about the dogs we were drawing.

As I was getting tea ready she came down and informed me she was a Mohican and could I make her an arrow.Obviously I jumped at the chance and made an arrowhead from card and tin foil while she went out and found a suitable stick, then Al took over to attach the arrow head to the stick and the two of them,now renamed taharquo (Al) and Laharquo(Milly) went off on an adventure coming back for the ceremonial supper with Maharquo(me)by this time we had all been equipped with ceremonial Mohican jewellery and Emily had a fur collar that was in fact the skin of a lion she had slayed......


Stacie said...

Wow, new Mohican names and everything! How fun. What an imagination Emily has. I hope she feels better and sleeps better tonight!

Lynn said...

I don't know where she gets the names from!!! She has had a better day although she is still vv congested.