"Although I speak from my own experience, I feel that no one has the right to impose his or her beliefs on another person. I will not propose to you that my way is best. The decision is up to you. If you find some point which may be suitable for you, then you can carry out experiments for yourself. If you find that it is off no use, then you can discard it." Dalai Lama...

Tuesday 5 February 2008

A short post......

Not much to report today and I'm in a bit of a funny mood tonight and can't seem to focus on anything so will not bore you with a load of twaddle,oh sorry thats what I normally give you!!! Well tonight would be even worse twaddle.....

Have been to the hairdressers today so at least the hair is in good order. Milly did another canvas today and then answered the lovely ladies who had left comments on her blog( can I just say a big thank you ,she loves to log on and find out she has comments) and so lots of reading and writing.I put on a learn french CD as she was painting and she just started singing in tune with the music "this is boring oh so boring what is boring in french" so I took the hint!!!!!

I feel so fed up today.Is there something to do with the position of the moon or something cos I have read a few blogs now where people are feeling the same?

Milly is going on a day trip with Brownies on Saturday and then out to a party for her best friend on Sunday so we will have free time!!!! What in gods name do you do when you have no child about???? Only joking I know what to do...

Yes I have a full day shopping and planning for Emily's birhtday sleepover, family party and friends party that are happening next week.
Sunday I may just take the opportunity to sleep all afternoon, to get prepared for all that activity.

I will go and do the washing up now and then a game of caddoo in the hope that may just rouse me from my S***** mood.


Stacie said...

Twaddle, another funny word! I love it! Funny, here on the other side of the pond I'm in kind of a funk today too. Hope you feel better. And I liked this post. I didn't think it was a load of "twaddle!"

Lynn said...

You know how to make a girl feel goodxx