"Although I speak from my own experience, I feel that no one has the right to impose his or her beliefs on another person. I will not propose to you that my way is best. The decision is up to you. If you find some point which may be suitable for you, then you can carry out experiments for yourself. If you find that it is off no use, then you can discard it." Dalai Lama...

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Circle of trust,sanctuary and Billy Elliot....

A very late start this morning.I woke first at 9 with Milly a few minutes behind me.I do love just been able to glance over and see her wake slowly and then a little hand holding before we both wake fully:-)

Conversation started about E who was meeting her boyfriend this afternoon at the station and how excited/nervous she would be.We got into talking about when Alan and I first met and how romances may not be forever and how important trust is in a relationship.I love it when conversations just evolve like that.We got into why trust is important in all relationships.Milly said that she felt she sometimes felt very let down by me if we had had a falling out and that as I had shouted (raised my voice but to Milly it is as bad as shouting!!)at her yesterday I was no longer in "her circle of trust", She reminded me that saying was in Meet the Fockers and we fell about laughing!!We really must see that again:-)

Milly makes me work at hard being a better person,I get to see how my off hand remarks really wound her and my raised voice is, to her, as bad as screaming at her.I try every day to be a gentler and more patient parent,I don't always get it right and sometimes it is the little things that get to me.I got up and read this post this morning which helped to put me back on track again.

Went over to my sisters for lunch,Mum and Dad were visiting as well so time for a good catch up.Sister and family had been to London for the weekend to celebrate a godsons birthday.They had gone to see Billy Elliot and I want to go so badly now!! I adore the film and all the accounts I have heard of the stage show have been glowing with praise.

Left there to go to an animal sanctuary(this was where the vet has told us to call for info on the ferret we saw in the garden)They rescue wildlife and then release them when they are well.

We saw two lercher's(the family pets)one had been kicked to within an inch of it's life and it took 41/2 hours of surgery to safe it's life the other one someone had tried to poison with bleach!!! WTF!!

Around the sanctury we saw,
geese,ducks,swans,peacocks,terrapins,rabbit's,cockatoos,badgers,otters, owl's, and so much more,they had a particularly freindly Turkey who Emily named Sweetie and it followed us around like a dog and allowed us to stroke it:-)
Great way to spend an hour in the rain but we left with the intention of visiting many more times and with a plan to talk to the lady in charge about volunteering.

Back home to make this I am now stuffed after eating far too much,it is just so gorgeous I couldn,t resist seconds.

Milly is on BBCi and MSN,Al is washing up before watching football and I am on here before seeing what Emily would like to do with the rest of the evening and what time we are off to bed.I wish I had Billy Elliot on DVd instead of video cos I would of watched that while she went off to sleep:-(

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